Development Environment

This page shows the approach to manage development environment. To simplify the process, a unified Makefile is maintained at the root directory of the repo. In other words, all the make related commands are supposed to run there.


After generating the project via copier, several necessary tools can be installed with the following commands.


Using pipx for management is recommended and you can find pipx’s installation instructions here.

# PDM: A modern Python package and dependency manager supporting the latest PEP standards.
pipx install pdm==2.15.1
# Pre-commit: Automates Git hooks for code quality checks.
pipx install pre-commit==3.7.0


Development environment can be setup with the following command:

make dev

This command will accomplish the following tasks:

  • Create a virtual environment.

  • Install all the dependencies, including those for documentation, lint, package and test.

  • Install the project in editable mode.

  • Install git hook scripts for pre-commit.

To speed up the setup process in certain scenarios, you may find Partial Setup helpful.


When encountering environment-related problems. A straightforward solution is to cleanup the environment and setup a new one. Three different levels of cleanup approach are provided here.

Intermediate cleanup

Intermediate cleanup only removes common intermediate files, such as generated documentation, package, coverage report, cache files for mypy, pytest, ruff and so on.

make clean

Deep cleanup

Deep cleanup removes the pre-commit hook and the virtual environment alongside the common intermediate files.

make deepclean

Complete cleanup

Complete cleanup restores the repository to its original, freshly-cloned state, ideal for starting over from scratch.


This will remove all untracked files, please use it with caution. It is recommended to check with dry-run mode (git clean -dfnx) before actually removing anything. For more information, please refer to the git-clean documentation.

git clean -dfx

Partial Setup

In certain cases, it is unnecessary to install all dependencies as well as the pre-commit hook. For example, speed up the setup process in CI/CD.

Minimal installation

Install the project in editable mode only with necessary dependencies, useful for scenarios like deployment.

make install

Documentation generation

Install the project in editable mode with doc related dependencies, recommended for scenarios like documentation generation CI/CD process.

make dev-doc

Lint check

Install the project in editable mode with lint related dependencies, recommended for scenarios like lint CI/CD process.

make dev-lint

Package build

Install the project in editable mode with package related dependencies, recommended for scenarios like package CI/CD process.

make dev-package


Install the project in editable mode with test related dependencies, recommended for scenarios like test CI/CD process.

make dev-test